Thursday, November 03, 2005

Thursday 3rd November 2005: Weapons!

Hi All
Another quick update,yesterday my brother and I trained at Karls. It was another great lesson and I shall report more on the lesson Friday/Saturday.
I thought I just devote this entry as a photo showcase for the weapons I use for practicing Eskrima.

Light Rattan Sticks: I used these in the grading when showing several strikes and use them for light drills.
Heavy Rattan Sticks: I use these to practice strikes and get myself ready for gradings,I also use these for heavier drills. There are heavier sticks than these which I am going to buy in the near future.

These are our practice knives/blades. As you can see one resembles a chair leg! I find the wooden one however more dangerous,the other blade I feel is slightly safer and resembles more of a real blade but as you can see its blunt so its very safe!

These soft sticks belong to my friend Paul,we use these in the class for sparring,if swung with force they can hurt but still great to train with.

Thanks for viewing
Please revisit on Saturday!


Lun said...

Nice pics, the weapons look good against that red carpet...

Kit said...

Hi Lun
Yes its quite good,I was worried how it would turn out but it wasn't too bad!
See you soon brother!

Slots Odds said...

Earlier I thought differently, many thanks for the help in this question.

Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu said...

Good looking weapons!