Saturday, February 18, 2006

Rick Young Seminar

Lun and I attended a Rick Young seminar held at Steve Powell’s today. It was a great seminar! We did knife work, groundwork, dumog (Filipino wrestling and focus mitt drills. Please click here to read more about Rick Young.

Martial Art seminars are a totally different animal to a regular lesson. During the seminar the instructor will ask the audience what they want to do or it might be a totally specific seminar. Afterwards the instructor will cram the desired subject matters into four hours.
Other than the instruction, the instructor (in seminars that I have attended) is much more personable as he would also maybe relate past experiences to the techniques we were doing and have a Q & A session at the end.

My brother and I have been lucky enough to attend seminars by instructors who are amazingly skilled but matching their skill is their humbleness. I believe being humble and kind is an amazing attribute that these instructors have and something I aspire to. Its not all about how good you are and what you are graded at a high level, it’s about what kind of person you are as well.

Again this kindness can be mistaken for weakness and right now I may have painted a soft picture of Rick Young. There is another side though he mentioned the street fights he had relating to the technique we were doing (and not because he was showing off) and how that we need to turn into animals if people try to harm your family. But above all he was a very humble man and thanked us all for coming and seemed genuinely sincere when shaking everyone’s hand at the end.

As a student of Guro Dan Inosanto, he was asked what it was like. Rick told us all about how sincere and humble Dan Inosanto is. He mentioned how amazingly skilled Dan Inosanto and he is a great inspiration. He also mentioned Roger Gracie and how he would ask about his wife and kids even though he had a big fight the following night. This shows that they have such a strong character where they can be powerful yet humble.

There were over 30 people in the club today an awesome turnout. There were some people I didn’t recognise but most of the advanced class people attended. As I mentioned seminars are different animals to lessons, as there is so much information to take in. The best way to remember is to practice straight away and write it down, however we purchased 2 DVD’s of Rick Young’s (which will also help!). Steve Powell also kindly took some pictures for my brother and I to use on our blogs. Thanks Steve! A great day of Martial Arts!


Lun said...

Yesh!!Great stuff....very good seminar, I think although the groundwork was difficult, I came away with some great techniques I can work on!

Anonymous said...

sorry about that Lun!
i loved the groundwork- rick is absolutely AWESOME!
nice to see you guys there, and i hope you can see past the slightly questionable cover art of that cd to it's strength as a piece of art...
it is a weird one- it took me about two years to get into tool, so dont just give up on it, but if you dont like it, then you dont like it! lol
well, i will be bcak to comment soon

Anonymous said...

Indeed a great seminar!! It is an honour to train with Rick. He is simply awesome!
We should all go down to see Dan!! That would be top. Anyhoo, I wont ramble much, i am tired. I did a 5 and half hour Yoga workshop today.

Lun said...

hello from Windsor Ontario! finally got here,my body knows its wellpassed 5 am UK time, but here its only around 1 am!! Full dayswork tommorow? Nope don't think so!! Might check out the martialarts here.....