Thursday, April 06, 2006

Countdown to the Warriors Eskrima grading:Entry 1

A break from the usual format… pictures... just words..

Come April 9th 2006, our Level 6 Warriors Eskrima grading (test) will take place in Warwick and we will be graded by Pangulong Guro Krishna Godhania. Usually countdown articles for some writers would normally be much earlier like weeks or even months before the event occurs, but I chose to write my countdown much closer to my event.

Why did I do this? Well I kind of mentioned the grading in previous posts but not one post is dedicated solely on the grading and I think it might interest the reader on what the hell is exactly going through my mind so close to the grading. Well the answer is that I am excited and nervous at the same time and I felt that I needed to write about it.

This combination of nerves and excitement can be compared to when you are cut off at the gate in a queue separating you from a bunch of people who are allowed onto a rollercoaster. This would leave you watching with great fear and anticipation waiting at the gate and up close you can see how huge the rollercoaster really is rising so many feet in the air and going so many miles per hour, you are nervous maybe scared but you really want to be on it and want to be on it fast.

This week (apart from a quick session of the Capoeira game) I have dedicated my Martial Arts to the grading. Not only am I trying to be physically focused but also mentally focused. My mind is on the grading constantly because I feel it is so important I get it right as does Lun and all our great fellow students taking the grading. The grading will contain a lot of sparring and some free style stick sparring. So physically as well as mentally I have to be aggressive, but careful and skilful enough to show techniques and not just smack the living crap out of the other guy.

I hope we call all step it up on that day.



Anonymous said...

Hey Kit,

Its only normal to be nervous but I have every confidence in you. You have put in allot of hard work over the past few weeks not only at my class but also at Steve's and Karls and also starting running and I think everyone has noticed a bit of a change in you. You are looking sharper and much improved technically and we have also seen a big improvement in your fitness level. So if you tackle the grading in the same way that you have been training you will be fine. The same also goes for Lun who I know would have liked to have had time to do more sessions but he is more than ready :o) I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Good luck dude! You have certainly trained hard for it

Lun said...

Will you be my the Clash Of Champions???